Yesterday evening TJ told me that after reading the first 2 posts in the blog he is really doubting weather we haven't lost our minds. The whole issue was about connecting war, sex and middle-aged women. And when reading it the text clearly says that we are two horny m i l f that are trying to get the attention of young soldiers and probably just talking on stage about how they fantasize having sex with them.
So I realize that it clearly needs some kind of explanation.
I think its no news to anybody that war is highly sexualized and the military rethorics is widely used as an sexual asset. Try to google 'sexy soldier' (you'll find more Lara Croft's that US marines). Try watching Pearl Harbour or read 'To whom the bell tolls'.
Seriously its super ironic to say that War is Wrong and at the same time get turned on by something that resembles violence and death. Romanticize.
That we sexualize guys and girls who could get killed any moment, who could become crippled as we speak, whose young sholders bear very old heads.
Me and Kaja, we cant avoid the fact that we are two women in the age of thirties. We cant avoid the fact that the people mainly involved in war have always been in their early twenties. That they are physically fit. We cant avoid the fact that their job is to protect our social contract(s). We cannot avoid the fact that we are artist and we are considered to be opposing these social contracts. And foremost, in our case, we cant avoid the fact that we are considered to be two horny middle-aged mothers who should stay in the kitchen not bothering about such 'serious matters'. And we cant avoid media that in order to make issues edible and profitable the are using tools romanticize, personalize and sexualize.
So instead of ignoring it all we try to find a way within the context we already are. And see if it will get us somewhere.
If its still unclear let us know … and for illustrating how Real Woman makes profit out of 'destroyed youth' check out this
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