Proprioception-, from Latin proprius, meaning "one's own", "individual" and perception, is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement.
Exteroception- the tactile sensitivity through which we preceive the outside world
Interoception- the sense of movement of the internal organs.
Brian Massumi oskab veel ilusamini öelda:
Tactility is the sensibility of the skin as surface of contact between the perceiving subject and the perceived object. Proprioception folds tactility into the body, enveloping the skin’s contact with the external world in a dimension of medium depth: between epidermis and viscera. The muscles and ligaments register as conditions of movement what the skin internalizes as qualities… (Massumi 2002, 58–59)
...Aga praktikas?
Tagasi otsingutele.
Enne veeeeel. Väga oluline. Ei anna rahu. Pean jagama, et eilne dokk Susan Sontagist resoneerib siiani. Vägev isiksus. Tema päevikut lugedes tavaliselt avan suvalise lehekülje, valin suvalise rea ja need sõnad on alati tabavad, teravad ja aktuaalsed.
Tänane tabamus----1971: Experiencing the sacred is the opposite of being alienated. It is being integrated. Always implies relations to others- ``a public``. (Diaries 1964-1980 ``As consciousness I Harnessed to Flesh``)
Pühalik avalik showing juba homme siis. Vaatame, kuulame, tajume, mis saab.
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